Curated strategies for industry leadership & elegant, adroit presence by communication expert
Dr. Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez
The Little Shot pops live in the form of mini shots for your communication that hit hard like a good espresso ☕️.
Curated strategies for industry leadership & elegant, adroit presence by communication expert Dr. Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez
The Little Shot pops live in the form of mini shots for your communication that hit hard like a good espresso ☕️.
The Latest
Trustworthy voice, Con artists, Speech patterns, Liars | Liars sound different—and research proves it. In this The Little Shot episode, we talked about how deception changes speech patterns, from using more filler words like “um” and “ah” to having slower speech rates. Watch till the end to learn how vocal cues can betray dishonesty. We have real-life examples too!
Get your Speech Audit here: https://cadenza.co/elocution/
Take the Voice Tone Test here: https://thevoicescience.com/executive-voice-coach
(The Protocol for Vocally Influential People)
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Previous Videos
Halo effect, Attractive voice, Speech, Charisma | In this episode of The Little Shot, we briefly talked about vocal attractiveness and how it plays a role in financial backing and professional influence and even successful public speaking ventures.
Get more Vocal Presence Strategies here:
- How to Secure a Crystal Clear Voice Tone that Never Fails You
- Voice Branding: 6 Huge Research Findings About Voice Tone & Charisma
Trump Inauguration Charisma Review: Melania Trump Hat, Personal style impacts | In this video, I comment on the impact of unexpected fits on audience and viewer perceptions. We will look at how attire influences gravitas according to the research this Little Shot episode, we tackle and analyse the hidden meaning behind unexpected fit.
Get more Attire & Executive Presence Strategies here:
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