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How to Use Your Voice Charismatically

All about Voice Branding

voice branding

I‘m a supreme voice geek. So is it a surprise that I totally nerd off on voice research?

I can’t wait to share 6 Huge Research Findings About Voice Branding & Charisma at the end of this blog!

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catch their attention.

Voice branding is a hot topic in marketing and executive coaching these days.

For the past 8 years, I’ve partnered with large companies in Australia and overseas to modify the voice identity of their brand to target critical outcomes.

Behind my corporate consulting with large companies is also a history full of tailored work with individual clients. I enjoy serving individuals to reach their voice goals, as much as corporations.

How does Voice Branding work?

If you feel like you’ve fallen in a hole and have no idea how to get better at communicating, don’t reach for the panic bell. There is a whole discipline called Communication Science that can come to your aid.

In my work as an executive communication coach, I’ll focus on helping you develop a compelling voice quality using research-based principles.
All you need is a set of communication goals that you don’t even need to know how to fix. Then, it’s my job to troubleshoot with you to work out what that- “I just can’t put my finger on it” problem is that it is bothering you.

If you have been receiving feedback about your communication and don’t know what you need to change, it’s essential to get an assessment by a professional to determine what may be working against you. In many cases, we discover it’s interpersonal strategies that need to be added to your tools take and vocal tone tips to scale your presence more effectively.

“Perhaps you’re terrified you’re absolutely boring when speaking. Maybe you are, but that can change!”

If you’re deeply concerned about monotone or your voice tone in general, this video is for you! I’m going to share 3 Big Voice Tone goals that will change your speaking life.

It’s time to get some vocal variety, so you can keep your listeners engaged and all over your ideas and finally get the influence you’re dreaming of.

You’ve got to face the facts. If you fear people aren’t listening to you, or if you’re worried your voice is in the way of promotion, this stuff needs to be looked into.

voice branding

#1  There’s no Taboo in Working on Your Speaking

You won’t be the first person whose voice delivery was getting in the way of winning pitches, promotions, pay rises, more followers, better public speaking, management roles…

But how do we even know how to do this, and is this even a thing?

Above all, with the growth of AI and voice recognition software, this is a thing. It’s a big thing and one of our big things that has kept me busy for my entire career.

I promise you- most people need to work on their communication strategically.

#2 Is there really research out there about voice tone?

Each morning I trawl databases reading the latest research into voice in the workplace and the corporate sector. If you ever want references, I can provide you with them. You can even find a few at the bottom of this page!

Why is it essential to link voice tone work to the research?

Research gives voice tone techniques wings.

Why do I research? Well, I know you don’t have the time to do it.

If anyone should read the research on voice, I should! So I do.

It’s my responsibility to give evidence-based voice techniques and communication tips to all clients. 

It’s not ok to work with an executive communication coach who doesn’t keep up to date with the latest and greatest findings around corporate communication from speech science, psychology and speech pathology. 

voice branding

#3 Charisma now has a research base

Star factor… you’re born with it, right?


Speech scientists have found that charismatic speakers have a specific voice tone. Improved voice tone is a skill that can be trained and learned through voice branding techniques.

Voice quality is essential for listener engagement when making a pitch, making sales or convincing your team.

Speech Science is exploring so many questions about this all over the world. As a result, here are my top takeaways:

First Takeaway:

When speaking to an uninterested listener, the only thing that will catch their attention is your voice tone.

Second Takeaway:

Vocal pitch variation and increased intonation patterns allow for higher ratings of charisma from a panel of listeners. Monotonal voice quality will reduce how charismatic you appear. Voice tone matters to get your listener listening in the first place.

Third Takeaway:

A slower speech rate may make you sound calmer but will reduce your ratings for efficiency and credibility. Keep it moving & flowing.

Fourth Takeaway:

An even voice volume, rather than variable voice volume, works better. Changing from soft to loud will reduce your impact. The ability to control your volume consistently without changing your voice tone is essential to engage your listener.

Fifth Takeaway:

A pause of two seconds before stating your brand name or first name will increase brand recognition. It may feel strange when you do it, but if you want your conversation partner to remember your company/ name, force a two-second pause before stating the name.

Sixth Takeaway:

Voice tone has more impact than the pitch of your voice. 

Speaking at a low pitch with poor voice quality will not work.

Don’t worry so much about speaking too high focus on your breath preparation and projection consistency instead. 

Read more: Your Voice Matters at Work- It matters so much it could could make or break your career.

voice branding

Why does Charisma matter?

Charisma is what gets your listeners listening. It’s that special sparkle that creates a difference between a boring keynote and an entertaining speech. 

For example, A 2019 study rates lecturer voices as the most boring. Without a doubt, lectures should be at best profound and educational. So why are people boring the crowd?

It’s so important to make sure that you entertain and engage your audience. 

Your presentation to an audience represents your work, don’t fall short there. You could have the best message, but without some charisma, they won’t listen.

You’ve got to get your vocal brand on and wear it with confidence.

If you’re concerned your public speaking is shabby, you need to get some strategies, or you’re wasting your time, and your audience is simply not listening.

Out of respect to your audience and listeners, adding fine details to your communication will give you the polish you need. Therefore, vocal branding is core aspect of our modern Elocution program.

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Davis, B. C., et al. (2017). “Funders’ positive affective reactions to entrepreneurs’ crowdfunding pitches: The influence of perceived product creativity and entrepreneurial passion.” Journal of Business Venturing 32(1): 90-106.

Strangert, E. and J. Gustafson (2008). What makes a good speaker? Subject ratings, acoustic measurements and perceptual evaluations. INTERSPEECH.

About the Author

Dr Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez is a Keynote Speaker, Executive Speaking Coach, and Opera Singer who likes to play with words, sounds, and your impact.

Her academic background is in Music Performance, Communication Science and Speech & Language Pathology. She assists executive communication clients all over the world as a communication consultant with strong expertise in CEO, Founder and Entrepreneur communication strategies.

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.

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