Career Communication
How to Gel With Your Manager’s Communication Style
Communication Style & Your Boss
Part of getting along well at work is synergising with everyone’s communication style as best as possible.
You’ve probably clicked on this to try and get some new ideas on how to build rapport more effectively with your boss.
Every boss will have a different communication style, and your ability to connect and engage with your boss doesn’t just come down to your communication skill level but your ability to synergise and analyse the style of communication that your boss prefers. And if you’re stuck, this video will give you a few fresh ideas.
When we perceive a communication barrier with a boss or manager, it’s easy to start to feel less comfortable at work. I’ve made this episode for you if you need some new ideas on how to build rapport with your boss so that you can get some fresh ideas and importantly advocate for your right to feel comfortable at work.
Before you start to think that it’s your fault that your boss may be hard to talk to, I need to tell you that building rapport with your boss doesn’t just come down to your own personal communication comfort.
A comfortable working relationship counts on 2 parties applying emotionally intelligent interactions.
I can’t promise these strategies will change your life, but you can make things smoother if you take moment to sit, analyse and strategise your boss’ workflow and preferred communication style.
Interpersonal skills are crucial to making friends, being a spectacular team player and bossing up with empathy if you run a small business or work in a leadership role. But communicating with confidence can be hard to master across different environments so if you find yourself struggling to build a relationship at work or make small talk in the office, watch this video.
I’m going to show you 3 interpersonal communication principles that can change your rapport-building skills for the better.
What’s Next?
Every boss is different, and without knowing your boss, I can’t give you precision-tuned boss tips. But I can provide core principles to consider when it comes to their communication style that may make life at work a little easier.
These 2 vlogs have been designed to help you build a communication strategy with your boss, but we’re not stopping there!
It takes 2 to tango, so stay tuned- very soon, we’ll be uncovering some core approaches to engaging your team, so if you’re a boss, make sure you watch out for that episode coming soon.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my global clients thrive from science-based strategies customised to their career needs in 1-1 sessions. My C-Suite Elocution Course will bring value to your career and prepare you for anything your career might chuck at you unexpectedly so that you can handle situations with composure and impactful communication. Scroll down the page if you want to learn more about working with me in this area.
Evaluate Your Professional Speaking
If you want to get some insight about your professional speaking skills and communication style goals from a communication scientist, you’ve got to pick up your copy of The Communication Growth Plan for Work.
This comprehensive checklist will give you detailed insights into how your speaking stacks up against the main communication criteria for professional growth.
I’ve use various research-informed tools & techniques to develop this checklist.
Commence the process quickly by opting in! This checklist can be taken accessed within 5 minutes and is very easy to complete.
Once that’s done, you’ll gain a more thorough insight into the precise areas of your communication that you can optimise.
Did you enjoy this post? Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more content to increase your communication skills!
Figure out your Manager’s Communication Style, Harvard Busines Review
Zumaeta, J. (2018). Lonely at the Top: How Do Senior Leaders Navigate the Need to Belong?. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 26. 154805181877454. 10.1177/1548051818774548.
About the Author
Dr Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez is a Keynote Speaker, Executive Speaking Coach, and Opera Singer who likes to play with words, sounds, and your impact.
Her academic background is in Music Performance, Communication Science and Speech & Language Pathology. She assists executive communication clients all over the world as a communication consultant with strong expertise in CEO, Founder and Entrepreneur communication strategies.
Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.
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