Sales Communication

The Top 1% Sales People do this: Sales Communication Solutions

sales communication

In entrepreneurship, products and services gain value through their function and the solutions they provide. Still, the hyperbolic trigger governing a product’s success in the first place lies in the quality of the sales communication presenting the offer to the marketplace.

Without revealing our clients and their confidential goals in the marketplace, we can reveal that we work extensively with inventors, engineers, startup founders, real estate agents, luxury sales teams, Ted speakers, CEOs, and even media personalities. The one critical factor behind their success is the unique ability industry leaders have to pitch an idea and sell their message using elite communication skills.

You can have the best ideas, offers, services or products, but you can hang up your entrepreneurial boots if you cannot sell them.

Your sales communication ability will have the highest potential for single-point failure in any business, venture, or execution.

Single point of failure: a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working.

Whether it’s an idea or inventory, if you can not sell, you will lose the whole mission.

Today, we will explore key starting points you can readily implement to establish a stronger speaking foundation so that your sales communication connects your offer with your prospect.

While this expert article is positioned for a traditional salesperson, the ideas outlined will also benefit anyone who feels they can present information with credibility and audacity that makes a contact stop and consider your insights noteworthy. So, even if you don’t have a shopping cart at the end of your ideas, the topics covered will still endear your message in non-monetary transactions such as the boardroom, team meetings, and more.

This blog post is best digested in 3 parts:

  1. Check the tips summarised below.
  2. Watch the vlog for more detailed training.
  3. If you’re seeking a bespoke and structured solution for your next high-ticket sales conversation or pitch for venture capital, consider enrolling in a personalised speaking audit here.

Is your goal to close more deals without feeling embarrassed or pushy?

Or you may also notice that your customers lose momentum and interest in your products or services after they meet you.

Today, we will explore key starting points you can readily implement to establish a stronger speaking foundation so that your sales communication connects your offer with your prospect.

These practical tips will boost your confidence and give you a concrete and ethical approach to interacting in the marketplace.

#1 Sales Communication Growth Opportunity: Tonality

Most humans don’t work on their voice tonality. They breathe and speak without calibration. But if you need a bandage for your haemorrhaging sales conversations, today I want you to consider 3 voice tonality elements:

I’m sure you’ve picked up the indelible link between voice tone and trust and credibility. You can watch numerous Cadenza videos on that topic, like this one-

How to stop Mumbling & Speak Clearly (and confidently)

And this one;

Why You SOUND less Eloquent When You Speak. 6 CLEAR VOICE Mistakes you need to know about.

And even this one;

The Expert Guide to Voice Projection

But let’s add to that.

Your voice tonality will determine your sales conversion rate.

There are 3 Voice Tonality elements to consider.

The Sales Tonality Trinity

Clear Articulation: speaking clearly signals to your lead “I have something important to say” which will showcase your offer valence. If you notice yourself mumbling, we need to implement some strategies to create crisp, clear enunciation.

Vocal Expression: your vocal melody will predict the success of investor pitches, gaining new customers and even your customers likelihood of taking action and putting your products or services in their shopping cart. Remember the voice is a powerful tool to convey emotion. If you’re stuck in a monotone ditch, we need to add vocal contours to convey passion and enthusiasm. But carefully, because excessive expression can come across as neurotic. (Rosenberg, 2009)

Vocal pacing: Sellers that get stuck mid sentence, speak too rapidly or lose momentum will instantly lose trust because the flow of speech is one of the best vehicles to get your contact to know, you know. Vocal confidence will showcase the credibility of your offer (Guyer, 2021).

sales communication

Your ability to use your voice tonality is the key to the charisma castle and we can vouch that’s the place your sales communication needs to be. How you use your inflections, melody and speech flow will directly signal vocal charisma and be the most fitting way to infuse excitement to the deal. To put it frankly, a high value person in the antiquities travelled in a golden carriage, not a wheelbarrow. Your message must travel on an eloquently executed voice signal if you want to position your offer with the polish it needs to set your goods apart.

#2 Sales Communication Growth Opportunity: Figurative Language

You will find that selling services, products, ideas, or inventions is abstract. During your sales conversation, your client needs evidence that their purchase item will deliver on its promise. But watch out, the more analytical your language gets, the less interest your buyer or investors will show (Magee, Milliken & Lurie, 2010).

You will need to find a way to step away from the analytical approach you used to build your service catalogue or venture and use figurative language to allow your customers to envision the impact your solution will have on their lives. This is a form of futurecasting that can only be demonstrated through high-level language skills.

While I’d love to share all the tools you can use here today, my paying clients might not appreciate me handing out the entire architectural drawings to successful sales communication infrastructure, so if you know that your language lacks

  • Interesting words
  • Creativity and
  • Punchy delivery

We should speak about how to change that!

#2 Sales Communication Growth Risk: Emotional Contagion

Emotions are contagious and this presents one of the greatests risks to your communication confidence when selling. There will be certain points in your sales deal or venture pitch where your leads or investors may show emotions that can hijack your conversion flight path.

Your brain is a reflector. Networks of mirror neurons and pathways deep within your subcortex’s anterior insula mean that the mood, facial expression and voice tone of your contact can easily rub off on you. Here you need to take care that if your lead sounds hesitant, your tone is assured. Or if your lead looks less expressive and speaks in monotone, you don’t follow suit.

While mirroring a contact’s behaviour is an effective way to showcase mutuality and build interpersonal rapport, know that “exposure to emotional expressions primes specific reactions (Peters and Kashima, 2015) especially in selling.

Research by Shukair et al. uncovered that

“The facial expressions of sales people and brand endorsers are fundamental elements in sales.”

Emotions drive consumer behaviour. Ethical sellings requires that you don’t manipulate this, but be mindful that customer hesitancy, uncertainty and mood will influence your presentation. For this reason, turn it on its head and show up with confident composure which may in turn inspire your customer to give your unique service, product or venture the consideration it deserves.

Sales communication skills create the emotional passion, enthusiasm and charisma that will reassure your prospect of how invested you are to serve them effectively. It will also build the emotional trust connection that showcases your expertise and solutions as competent, memorable and exciting.

Do you need more?

We assist high end luxury sales teams, CEOs, academics, inventors and business owners to sell and position their ideas, products and services with the memorable and charismatic communication that gets trust, buy-in and customer experience in the bag.

There are several ways to work with CADENZA and all it starts with is a conversation.

Today I hypothesise you’re seeking the heimlich manoeuvre to transform your entrepreneurial or customer pursuits. If that is the case, you can get in touch with me for a bespoke, personalised solution to rapidly solve your sales or pitch blocks.

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Did you enjoy this post? Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more content to increase your communication skills!

About the Author

Dr. Sarah Lobegeiger de Rodriguez is a Keynote Speaker, Executive Speaking Coach, and Opera Singer who likes to play with words, sounds, and your impact.

Her academic background is in Music Performance, Communication Science and Speech & Language Pathology. She assists executive communication clients all over the world as a communication consultant with strong expertise in CEO, Founder and Entrepreneur communication strategies.

Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn.


  • Guyer, J. J., et al. (2021). “Paralinguistic Features Communicated through Voice can Affect Appraisals of Confidence and Evaluative Judgments.” Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 45(4): 479-504.
  • Hirsch, J., et al. (2023). “Neural mechanisms for emotional contagion and spontaneous mimicry of live facial expressions.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378.
  • Magee, J., et al. (2010). “Power Differences in the Construal of a Crisis: The Immediate Aftermath of September 11, 2001.” Personality & social psychology bulletin 36: 354-370.
  • Peters, K., & Kashima, Y. (2015). A multimodal theory of affect diffusion. Psychological Bulletin, 141(5), 966–992.
  • Rosenberg, A. and J. Hirschberg (2009). “Charisma perception from text and speech.” Speech Commun. 51: 640-655.
  • Shuqair, S., et al. (2024). “Leveraging online selling through social media influencers.” Journal of Business Research 171: 114391.

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