Career Communication How to Stop Wriggling and Move Confidently and Powerfully (On Stage and On Camera) Gain composed confidence and magnetic stage presence while presenting. At Cadenza we frequently meet new clients who are looking for solutions to move confidently...
Public Speaking What the Top 3 TED Talk Speakers did Differently: Captivating TED Presentations Have you ever wondered what makes a TED Talk go viral or a TED speaker become a household name? If you’re struggling to grasp why almost everyone knows Simon Sinek or...
Leadership Communication Media Training Tips: How to Speak Confidently on Camera There’s nothing like an upcoming media interview to develop the sudden urge to gain compelling communication skills quickly. Ironically, media appearance opportunities tend to arise...
CEO Communication How Powerful Ancient Romans SpokeThe 5 Canons of Rhetoric The 5 Canons of Rhetoric are the timeless Public Speaking system followed in the Roman Empire that will transform your stage presence. Mastery of an impeccable and authentic communication...
Voice Tone Tips How to Secure a Crystal Clear Voice Tone that Never Fails You (Even when you’re nervous) Learn important principles to assist you in achieving an improved and clear voice tone so you can communicate confidently at work. Have you ever wanted...
Voice Tone Tips How to Solve Issues with Voice Projection & Tone for Presenting Breathing correctly for public speaking is like diving- you need to know how to come up for air and when to equalise, or there’s the risk of total combustion.To get to the bottom of...
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